
lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

The Dance Can Wait -Corinne Hartley

The Dance Can Wait  -Corinne Hartley



Corinne Hartley

The award winning artist Corinne Hartley studied at the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles from 1942 to 1944 and the Pasadena School of Fine Arts from 1964 to 1968. Then she was teaching the Pasadena School of Fine Arts to 1971. For thirty years she was a commercial fashion illustrator for the major department stores in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills California. She has been a professional painter for over 50 years and a painting teacher for over 40 years.
Since her days as a fashion illustrator, she has committed herself to painting series of children. She's an astute and empathetic observer of children's antics and youthful exuberance. Of children she writes, "They are so active — their energy is boundless. Watch them on the playground at schools or dance class. The only time they hold still is when they're asleep."
Her children series of paintings became very popular and the children images have been licensed and published many products such as jigsaw puzzles and calendars. She also sculpts children images in bronze. She published several art books.
Corinne Hartley has participated in one-woman, group, and juried shows throughout California, New York, Arizona, as well as Europe.
Corinne Hartley is a member of the California Art Club, Oil Painters of America, and a signature member of the Western Academy of Woman artists with whom she won "Best of Show" at the Clymer Museum in Ellensburg, Washington.
The beauty of life and the joy of living is what Corinne Hartley intends to express on her canvases. Her goal is to provide the art lover with a superb example of how much beauty there is in a moment and in the cherished details of daily life.
Corinne Hartley's artwork continues to blossom. She has put heart and soul where admirers appreciate and respect it, in an art life that transcends financial success. She continues to reappraise her artwork, remains open to special moments of transformation, and thereby frequently recaptures for lovers of her work those timeless moments we recognize as real.
Contact us to learn more about opportunities for licensing Corinne Hartley's artworks.


martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

! Y ya llega la Navidad !

!Calorcito de familia, calorcito de Navidad  !

Para ir sintiendo el espiritu de Navidad y el nuevo año 2014 comienzo a crear animaciones para todos.


! Santa con Osos!

 Nieve de oro

domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

Editor de Fotos Gratis

Les recomiendo este editor de fotos:

Es muy sencillo de usar y puedes lograr reducir el tamaño de tus fotos, mejorarlas, ponerles marco, cambiarlas de color a B&N, mejorar brillo y contrastes, ponr efectos graciosos,  etc ..
Es especial para personas poco diestras y que no quieren complicarse.

Por ejemplo una foto de Iquitos (Perú) original:

Y luego la he variado usando  el editor, le puse marco y cambié de color a blanco y negro:

Cualquier duda me escriben y les ayudaré, saludos.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Hip Hip, Prost, Salute ........

Francés: A votre sante
Alemán: Prost
Hebreo: L'chayim
Italiano: Salute o Cin cin
Japonés: Kanpai o Banzai
Portugués: Saude o A sua saude
Castellano: Salud
Sueco: Skal
Ruso: Za vashe zdorovye
Armenio: Genatzt
Ucraniano: Bud mo
Húngaro: Egeszsegedre
Chino: Wen lie


viernes, 5 de julio de 2013


Me fascinan estos paisajes de atardeceres donde el rojizo y dorado se mezclan al caer la tarde .

Va dedicada a todos los que les agradan mis animaciones y visitan el blog asiduamente, gracias

El Oso Marinero